DHTMLX Docs & Samples Explorer

Initialize object on page

You can place this JavaScript calendar anywhere on your web page, attaching it to any object.
Set up calendar parameters to determine the look of the calendar.

<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="../../codebase/dhtmlxcalendar.css">
window.dhx_globalImgPath = "../../codebase/imgs/";
</script> <script src="../../codebase/dhtmlxcommon.js"></script> <script src="../../codebase/dhtmlxcalendar.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../codebase/skins/dhtmlxcalendar_dhx_skyblue.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="no title" charset="utf-8"> <script>
var mCal;
window.onload = function() {
    dhtmlx.skin = "dhx_skyblue";
    dhtmlx.image_path = "../../codebase/imgs/";
    mCal = new dhtmlxCalendarObject('dhtmlxCalendar');
    mCal2 = new dhtmlxCalendarObject('dhtmlxCalendar2', false, {
        isYearEditable: true,
        isMonthEditable: true
</script> <table border="0" cellpadding="5" > <tr> <td ><div id="dhtmlxCalendar"></div></td> <td ><div id="dhtmlxCalendar2"></div></td> </tr> </table>