var accord = new dhtmlXAccordion(parent, skin);
<div id='my_accord_here' style="width:500px; height:150px;"></div> <script> //common init code var dhxAcc = new dhtmlXAccordion("my_accord_here"); </script>
Layout, Window, Accordion, Tabbar can create folders inside their cells by using
Starting from 2.5 version fullscreened initialization is available in the accordion.
First, you should define the following style
html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0px; overflow: hidden; }
and the init dhtmlxAccordion as follows
var dhxAcc = new dhtmlXAccordion(document.body);
Starting from 2.5 version, folders can be initialized by object notation
var dhxAcc = new dhtmlXAccordion({ some_option1:some_value_1, some_option2:some_value_2, ... some_optionN:some_value_N, })
var dhxAcc = new dhtmlXAccordion({ parent:"my_accord_here", onActive:function(){ alert("I'm active"); } });