var combo = new dhtmlXCombo(parent,name,width,type,index)
If existing select object was defined as parent - combo will take all data from it ( list of options, sizes, tabindex , name )
<div id='my_combo_here'></div> <script> //common init code var combo = new dhtmlxCombo("my_combo_here","some_name","100px"); </script>
Starting from 2.5 version, combo can be initialized by object notation
var combo = new dhtmlXCombo({ some_option1:some_value_1, some_option2:some_value_2, ... some_optionN:some_value_N, })
combo = new dhtmlXCombo({ parent:"combo_container", items:[ { value:"1", label:"One" }, { value:"2", label:"Two" }, { value:"3", label:"Three" } ], onChange:function(){ alert("I'm changed"); } });