afterUpdateCallback used in combination with setOnBeforeUpdateHandler to create custom client-server transport system
attachEvent attaches an event handler to DataProcessor
checkBeforeUpdate checks mandatory fields and varify values of cells, initiate update (if specified)
clearVerificator removes column from list of those which should be verified
detachEvent removes an event handler
enableDataNames enables/disables named field for data syncing, will use column ids for grid
enablePartialDataSend enables/disables mode , when only changed fields and row id send to the server side, instead of all fields in default mode
enableUTFencoding allows to set escaping mode
getSyncState gets state of updating
init initializes data-processor
sendData sends row(s) values to server
setDataColumns allows to define, which column may trigger update
setOnBeforeUpdateHandler sets function called before server request sent ( can be used for including custom client server transport system)
setTransactionMode selects GET or POST transaction model
setUpdateMode sets if rows should be send to server automaticaly
setUpdated marks row as updated/normal. check mandatory fields,initiate autoupdate (if turned on)
setVerificator specifies column which value should be varified before sending to server