addRow adds row to the grid
addRowFromClipboard adds a new row from the clipboard
adjustColumnSize autosizes a column to max content size
attachEvent adds any user-defined handler to available events
attachFooter attaches an additional line to the footer
attachHeader attaches an additional line to the header
attachToObject attaches grid to some object in DOM
cellById gets a dhtmlXGridCellObject object (if no arguments then gets dhtmlXGridCellObject object of currently selected cell)
cellByIndex gets a dhtmlXGridCellObject object
cellToClipboard copies a value of cell to the clipboard
cells gets a dhtmlXGridCellObject object (if no arguments then gets dhtmlXGridCellObject object of currently selected cell)
cells2 gets a dhtmlXGridCellObject object
changePage changes current page in grid
changePageRelative changes current page in grid
changeRowId changes id of the row to the new one
checkAll checks all checkboxes in grid
clearAll deletes all rows in grid
clearAndLoad clears an existing grid state and load new XML
clearChangedState clears wasChanged state for all cells in grid
clearConfigCookie clears cookie with grid config details
clearSelection removes selection from the grid
collapseAllGroups collapses all groups
collapseGroup collapses group of rows
collectValues gets all possible values in column
copyBlockToClipboard copies content of block selection into the clipboard in csv format (delimiter as set for csv serialization)
copyRowContent copies row content to another existing row
deleteColumn deletes a column
deleteRow deletes a row from the grid
deleteSelectedRows deletes a selected row(s)
destructor destructor, removes grid and cleans used memory
detachEvent removes an event-handler
detachFooter removes the footer line from grid (opposite to attachFooter)
detachHeader removes the header line from grid (opposite to attachHeader)
disableUndoRedo disables Undo/Redo functionality in grid
doRedo ReDo
doUndo UnDo
doesRowExist determines if a row with specified id exists
editCell creates an Editor object and switch a cell to the edit mode if allowed
editStop retuns a value from editor(if presents) to cell and closes editor
enableAlterCss sets even/odd css styles
enableAutoHeight enables an autoheight of grid
enableAutoHiddenColumnsSaving enables automatic saving the column state ( hidden | shown )
enableAutoSaving enables an automatic saving of all possible params
enableAutoSizeSaving enables an automatic size saving to cookie
enableAutoWidth changes grid's container size on the fly to fit total width of grid columns
enableBlockSelection enables the block selection mode in grid
enableCSVAutoID enables mode, where ID for rows loaded from CSV autogenerated
enableCSVHeader enables recognizing the first row in CSV as header
enableCellIds enables/disables unique id for cells (id will be automatically created using the following template: “c_[RowId]_[colIndex]”)
enableColSpan enables/disables the colspan support
enableColumnMove enables the move column functionality
enableContextMenu enables/disables the context menu
enableDistributedParsing enables/disables the distributed parsing (rows are parsed portion by portion with some timeout)
enableDragAndDrop enables/disables drag-and-drop
enableDragOrder switches to the mode when dragged item, dropped in target location in the same order as they were in the source grid
enableEditEvents enables/disables events which fires excell editing, mutual exclusive with enableLightMouseNavigation
enableEditTabOnly enables/disables the mode when readonly cell is not available with tab
enableHeaderImages specifies if values passed to Header are images file names
enableHeaderMenu enables the pop up menu which allows hiding/showing columns
enableKeyboardSupport enables/disables hot keys in grid
enableLightMouseNavigation enables/disables the light mouse navigation mode (row selection with mouse over, editing with single click), mutual exclusive with enableEditEvents
enableMarkedCells sets the marked cells support to enabled or disabled state
enableMathEditing enables/disables editing of math cells
enableMathSerialization enables/disables serialization of math formulas
enableMercyDrag enables dragging without removing (copy instead of move)
enableMultiline sets the multiline rows support to enabled or disabled state
enableMultiselect sets the multiselect mode to enabled or disabled state
enableOrderSaving enables automatic column order saving to cookie
enablePaging enables the smart paging mode
enableResizing enables/disables resizing for specified columns
enableRowsHover enables/disables hovering row on mouse over
enableRowspan enables rowspan in grid
enableSmartRendering enables the smart rendering mode
enableSortingSaving enables automatic sorting state saving to cookie
enableStableSorting enables stable sorting algorithm
enableTooltips enables/disables tooltips for specified columns
enableUndoRedo enables the Undo/Redo functionality in grid
expandAllGroups expands all groups
expandGroup expands a group of rows
filterBy filters grid by mask
filterByAll forces grid filtering by registered inputs ( created by # starting shortcuts, or by makeFilter function )
findCell finds a cell in grid by value
forEachCell executes a code for each cell in a row
forEachRow executes a code for each row in a grid
forceLabelSelection affects the block selection, so it will copy|paste only visible text , not values behind
getAllRowIds gets a list of all row ids in grid
getChangedRows gets a list of IDs of changed rows
getCheckedRows gets a list of Ids of all rows with checked exCell in specified column
getColIndexById gets a column index by column id
getColType gets a column type by column index
getColTypeById gets a column type by column ID
getColWidth gets the width of specified column in pixels
getColumnId gets the column id of column specified by index
getColumnLabel gets the label of column specified by index
getColumnsNum gets number of columns in grid
getCombo gets a Combo object of specified column. Uses it to change a select box value for a cell before opening editor
getCustomCombo gets combobox specific for the cell in question
getFilterElement gets input object of filter linked to column in question
getFooterLabel gets the label of the footer specified by index
getMarked gets marked cells
getRedo gets the length of available ReDo operations
getRowAttribute gets row attribute
getRowId gets a row id by index
getRowIndex gets a row index by id (grid only)
getRowsNum returns count of row in grid ( in case of dynamic mode it will return expected count of rows )
getSelectedCellIndex gets the index of selected cell
getSelectedRowId gets a selected row id
getSortingState gets sorting state of grid
getStateOfView returns details about current grid state
getUndo gets the length of available UnDo operations
getUserData gets user Data
gridFromClipboard init grid from CSV stored in clipboard
gridToClipboard copies grid in CSV to clipboard
gridToGrid redefines this method in your code to define how grid row values should be used in another grid
gridToTreeElement redefines this method in your code to define how grid row values should be used in tree (using input parameters you can change id of new tree node, set label, set userdata blocks etc.).
groupBy groups grid content by values of specified column
hidePivot hides a pivot table related to grid, if any exists, switch grid back to normal mode
init initializes grid
insertColumn adds a new column to the grid. Can be used after grid was initialized. At least one column should be in grid
isColumnHidden gets show/hidden status of column
load loads data from an external file ( xml, json, jsarray, csv )
loadCSVFile loads grid from CSV file
loadCSVString loads grid from CSV string
loadHiddenColumnsFromCookie loads sorting order from cookie
loadOpenStates loads open state of TreeGrid in cookie
loadOrderFromCookie loads column order from cookie
loadSizeFromCookie loads grid layout from cookie
loadSortingFromCookie loads the sorting order from cookie
lockRow locks/unlocks a row for editing
makeFilter creates a filter from any input element (text filter), select (dropdown) or DIV (combobox based on dhtmlxCombo)
makePivot shows a pivot table based on grid
makeSearch creates a search box (set selection to the row with found value) from any input
mark sets selection or removes selection from specified cell
moveColumn moves a column of specified index to new position
moveRow moves a row
moveRowDown moves a row one position down if it's possible
moveRowTo moves a row
moveRowUp moves a row one position up if possible
parse loads data from local datasource ( xml string, csv string, xml island, xml object, json objecs , javascript array )
pasteBlockFromClipboard pastes content of clipboard into the block selection of grid
preventIECaching prevents caching in IE by adding random values to URL string
printView generates a print friendly view
refreshFilters refreshes filtering ( can be used if data in grid changed and filters need to be updated )
rowToClipboard copies a value of row to the clipboard
rowToDragElement redefines this method in your code to define how grid row values should be displaied while draging
saveHiddenColumnsToCookie saves hidden columns to cookie
saveOpenStates stores opene state of TreeGrid in cookie
saveOrderToCookie saves column order to cookie
saveSizeToCookie saves grid layout to cookie
saveSortingToCookie saves sorting order to cookie
selectAll selects all rows in grid, it doesn't fire any events
selectCell sets selection to specified row-cell
selectRow selects a row (and first cell of it)
selectRowById selects a row by ID
serialize gets actual xml of grid. The depth of serialization can be set with setSerializationLevel method
serializeToCSV serializes to CSV string
setAwaitedRowHeight sets a height which will be used in the smart rendering mode for row calculation, the function needs to be used if you use a custom skin for grid which changes default row height
setCSVDelimiter change csv delimiter
setCellExcellType sets excell type for cell in question
setCellTextStyle sets a style to cell
setCheckedRows sets a value for all checkboxes in specified column
setColAlign sets an align of values in columns
setColSorting sets column sort types (avaialble: str, int, date, na or function object for custom sorting)
setColTypes sets column types
setColVAlign sets a vertical align of columns
setColWidth sets the width of specified column in pixels (soen't works with procent based grid)
setColspan dynamically sets colspan in row starting from specified column index
setColumnColor colorizes columns background.
setColumnExcellType sets excell type for all cells in specified column
setColumnHidden hides/shows a column
setColumnId sets ids to specified column.
setColumnIds sets ids to every column. Can be used then to retreive the index of the desired colum
setColumnLabel sets new column header label
setColumnMinWidth sets minimum column width ( works only for manual resizing )
setColumnsVisibility sets list of visible/hidden columns
setCustomSorting sets custom sorting (custom sort has three params - valueA,valueB,order; where order can be asc or des)
setDateFormat sets mask for date formatting in cell
setDelimiter sets delimiter character used in list values (default is ”,”)
setDragBehavior sets Drag-And-Drop behavior (child - drop as chils, sibling - drop as sibling
setDragText defines text (single and plural forms) for extended visual appearence of drag-n-drop
setEditable manages editibility of the grid
setExternalTabOrder sets elements which get focus when tab is pressed in the last or first (tab+shift) cell
setFieldName allows to define input name which will be used for data sending, name may contain next auto-replaced elements - GRID_ID - ID of grids container, ROW_ID - ID of row, ROW_INDEX - index of row, COLUMN_ID - id of column, COLUMN_INDEX - index of column
setFooterLabel sets new label for cell in footer
setHeader sets header label and default params for new headers
setIconPath sets path to external images used in grid ( tree and img column types )
setImagePath sets path to grid internal images (sort direction, any images used in editors, checkbox, radiobutton)
setInitWidths sets width of columns in pixels
setInitWidthsP sets width of columns in percents
setMathRound enables/disable rounding while math calculations
setNoHeader creates grid with no header. Called before initialization, but after setHeader. setHeader have to be called in any way as it defines number of columns
setNumberFormat sets mask for formatting numeric data ( works for [ed/ro]n excell only or oher cell types with suport for this method)
setPagingSkin allows to set custom paging skin
setPagingTemplates allows to set paging templates for default skin
setPagingWTMode configures paging with toolbar mode ( must be called BEFORE enablePaging)
setRowAttribute sets new attribute to the row
setRowColor sets background color of row (via bgcolor attribute)
setRowExcellType sets excell type for all cells in specified row
setRowHidden hides/shows row (warning! - this command doesn't affect row indexes, only visual appearance)
setRowId sets new id for row by its index
setRowTextBold sets row text BOLD
setRowTextNormal sets row text weight to normal
setRowTextStyle sets style to row
setRowspan sets rowspan with specified length starting from specified cell
setSerializableColumns configures which column must be serialized (if you do not use this method, then all columns will be serialized)
setSerializationLevel configures XML serialization
setSkin sets one of predefined css styles (xp, mt, gray, light, clear, modern)
setSortImgState sets position and visibility of sort arrow
setStyle modifies default style of grid and its elements. Call before or after Init
setTabOrder sets tab order of columns
setUserData sets user data to row
showRow scrolls row to the visible area
sortRows sort grid
startFastOperations starts fast operation mode, in such mode events are not generated, some time consuming actions applied only once, which allow to increase performance
stopFastOperations turns off fast operation mode, need to be executed to normalize view.
submitAddedRows includes additional data with info about which rows was added and which deleted, enabled by default
submitOnlyChanged includes only changed rows in form submit
submitOnlyRowID includes only row's IDS in form submit
submitOnlySelected includes only selected rows in form submit
submitSerialization includes serialized grid as part of form submit
treeToGridElement redefines this method in your code to define how tree node values should be used in grid (using input parameters you can change id of new row, values for cells, userdata blocks etc.).
uid returns unique ID
uncheckAll unchecks all checkboxes in grid
unmarkAll removes selection from all marked cell
updateCellFromClipboard sets value of cell from clipboard
updateFromXML refreshes grid from XML ( doesnt work for buffering, tree grid or rows in smart rendering mode )
updateRowFromClipboard sets value of row from clipboard