This event occurs 1-3 times depending on cell's editability. onEditCell event passes the following parameters:
stage - stage of editing (0-before start[can be canceled if returns false],1- the editor is opened,2- the editor is closed);
rId - id of the row;
cInd - index of the cell;
nValue - new value (only for the stage 2);
oValue - old value (only for the stage 2).
grid.attachEvent("onEditCell", function(stage,rId,cInd,nValue,oValue){});
During normal edit process event fires 3 times
cell edition initiated ( stage = 0 )
cell editor activated and ready for input ( stage = 1 )
cell edition finished ( stage = 2 )
The 3rd call can cause different results based on returned value
{bool}true - confirm edit operation
{bool}false - deny edit operation ( previous cell value will be restored )
{string} or {number} - provided value will be used a new value of the cell instead of one entered by user
Event commonly used for validation