The following events are available in dhtmlxTree:
Drag-and-Drop Events:
onBeforeDrag - occurs when item's dragging starts (the item is selected and the mouse is moving);
onDrag - occurs when the item was dragged and dropped on some other item, but before item's moving is processed;
onDragIn - occurs when the item is dragged over some target the item can be dropped to;
onDrop - occurs when drag-and-drop had already been processed; also occurs when the nodes are moved programmatically;
Editing Events:
onEdit - occurs on 4 different stages of edit process: before starting of editing (can be canceled), after starting of editing, before editor's closing (can be canceled), after editor's closing;
onCheck - occurs immediately after an item in the tree was checked|unchecked;
Loading Events:
onXLS - occurs when
XML parsing starts;
onXLE - occurs when
XML parsing is over, new items are already available in the tree;
Mouse Events:
onMouseIn - occurs when the mouse pointer is hovered over an item;
onMouseOut - occurs when the mouse pointer is moved out of item's area;
Opening Events:
onOpenStart - occurs right when an item in the tree starts to open, but before this item opens. This event is also available for “unclosable” nodes and nodes without open|close functionality - in that case result of the function will be ignored;
onOpenEnd - occurs right when an item in the tree has already become open. Event also raised for “unclosable” nodes and nodes without open/close functionality - in that case result of function will be ignored.
onDblClick - occurs right when a tree item was double clicked, but before default onDblClick functionality is processed;
onOpenDynamicEnd - occurs when openItemsDynamic() method loads and opens the required hierarchy of items;
Right Click Events
onRightClick- occurs when the user clicks the right mouse button;
Selection Events
onClick - occurs when the text part of a tree item was clicked, but after default onClick functionality was processed;
onSelect - occurs when the selection in the tree was changed.
The user can add any user-defined handler to available events. To do this he can use attachEvent() method with the following parameters:
tree.attachEvent(evName, evHandler);
Several handlers can be attached to one and the same event, and all of them will be executed.
Note: the names of the events are case-sensitive.
There is a simple way of removing an event-handler:
tree.detachEvent(id); // unique id of the event handler