DHTMLX Docs & Samples Explorer

Buttons Settings Manipulations

Button Accessing

A button can be accessed in the following way:

    var btn = dhxWins.window(id).button(id);

Default buttons ids are:

  • “stick” for “Stick” button;
  • “sticked” for “Sticked” button (pressed “stick”, used for “unstuck” action);
  • “help” for “Help” button;
  • “park” for “Park” button;
  • “minmax1” for “Maximize” button;
  • “minmax2” for “Minimize” button;
  • “close” for “Close” button;
  • “dock” for “Dock” button (appears automaticaly instead of close button in case of cell undocking).

Showing/Hiding Buttons

There is the possibility to show/hide a button by calling the following methods:


User-buttons also inherit these methods.

Button Enabling/Disabling

The button can be enabled/disabled by user:


User-buttons also inherit these methods.

Note: in some cases button enabling/disabling is determined by Object. For example, when the window is Parked Up, resize buttons are inactive/disabled. But they become active/enabled when the window is Parked Down. Thus, resize buttons are disabled by Object.

Creating user button guide coming soon.