clearHref* clears item href and back item to default onClick behavior
getHotKey* returns item's hot-key (just text label)
hide hides any open menu polygons
isContextZone returns true if an object is used as a contextual zone for the menu
loadFromHTML* loads menu data from an html and calls onLoadFunction when loading is done
loadXML loads menu data from an xml file and calls onLoadFunction when loading is done
loadXMLString loads menu data from an xml string and calls onLoadFunction when loading is done
removeItem removes an item from the menu with all nested sublevels
setAutoHideMode* sets to false to prevent hiding a contextual menu by a click
setAutoShowMode* sets to false to prevent showing a contextual menu by a click
setHotKey* sets menu hot-key (just text label)
setHref* sets href to item, overwrite old if exists
setIconsPath defines an url where necessary user embedded icons are located
setImagePath deprecated, not more used from version 2.1, 90226
setItemPosition sets new item's position in the current polygon (moves an item inside the single level)
setRTL* sets right-to-left mode
setTopText* sets top level additional text (in case of usual menubar)
setVisibleArea* sets the area in which the menu can appear, if the area is not set, the menu will occupy all available visible space
unload unloads menu from page (destructor)
Methods marked with * require dhtmlxmenu_ext.js file